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About CLC20

The intent of this conference is to facilitate sharing lessons throughout the NZ Army from the tactical and operational levels as they relate to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in New Zealand and the subsequent lockdown period that followed. Furthermore it will provide a medium for the prioritisation and implementation of new TTPs as well as a refinement of current TTPs as a result of lessons learned during the recent months. The conference will use panels from across the Army, and pre-recorded videos from ABCANZ Lessons personnel, Senior National Officers (SNO) and Military Attachés (MILATs) to highlight the issues and lessons from our Coalition Partners.

CLC20 Objectives

Sharing Lessons.

The CLC20 will facilitate sharing lessons throughout the NZ Army from the tactical and operational levels. This will provide greater situational awareness regarding the impact of COVID-19 and the associated lockdown of New Zealand upon the NZ Army.

Application of Lessons.

The CLC20 will provide a medium for the prioritisation and implementation of new practices as a result of lessons learned.

Collaboration of Lessons Communities.

The CLC20 will provide an opportunity to share and consolidate lessons collected from a variety of different lessons communities within the NZDF as well as from civilian and government sectors across NZ. This will facilitate overall organisational learning throughout the NZ Army.

ABCANZ Lessons Collaboration.

The CLC20 will provide an opportunity to share and consolidate relevant lessons collected from across the ABCANZ community. The ABCANZ countries are affected differently by COVID-19 and thus they are dealing with COVID-19 differently. This is producing a variety of different lessons. These lessons are extremely relevant and may be applicable to the NZ Army now in an attempt to better posture the force against future outbreaks.

Use of Video Presenters.

The CLC20 will use virtual conferencing to include presentations from senior national officers (SNO) and military attachés (MA) from abroad. This will also provide a proof of concept for virtual conferencing so that it can be used in the future.

Learning Lessons and Recording Information.

The CLC20 provides an opportunity to record and learn lessons using interactive live and virtual dialog during the conference. The questions, answers, and conversations will be captured, analysed, and processed as lessons. Additionally commanders can prioritise lessons identified and assign them for action. This will allow the NZ Army to take positive action to implement future change.

 CLC20 Administration


Conference attendees are requested to make their own arrangements when it comes to booking accommodation for this event.

Meal Arrangements.

The following meals will be covered for CLC20 on 1 Jul 20:

·         Morning tea, light lunch and afternoon tea.

·         Any personnel with specific dietary requirements should inform the coordination staff on the registration database.


NZDF personnel are required to make their own travel arrangements.


Working dress for the duration of the symposium.

COVID-19 Mitigation and Health Safety.

Specific measures will be in place during the CLC20 to ensure that it is in compliance with all NZDF and GONZ COVID-19 protocols.

·         All information and presentations will be electronic and sourced through the KEA CLC20 webpage.

·         The contact tracing register will be managed by the CLC20 registration/check-in details.

·         Hand sanitizer will be available on entry to the Cultural Centre and at the tables.

Command and Signals.

Media:  CLC20 is a low-profile activity with minimal media coverage. An article will be released post activity in the Army News.

Conference Recording: All presentations and speakers will be recorded by a contracted multi-media company during the conference and the footage will be made available on KEA after the event.