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Wāhine/Tāne Wānanga

The purpose of these Wānanga is to provide an opportunity for Wāhine and Tāne at the 2LT to CAPT, PTE to SSGT and equivalent civilian levels to come together in a respectful and safe environment to share perspectives and develop an understanding of the diversity across the NZ Army. There will also be a continuation of learning on aspects of Ngāti Tutanga and to further develop cultural competence within Ngāti Tūmatauenga .

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Gender Inclusive Army Conference:
A Research Based Approach

This conference provides all serving personnel with the opportunity to see how recent, current and future research can enhance our knowledge about gender, and what is needed in order for all personnel to thrive as part of inclusive and cohesive teams within the New Zealand Army.

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Covid-19 Lessons Conference 2020

The intent of this conference is to facilitate sharing lessons throughout the NZ Army from the tactical and operational levels as they relate to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in New Zealand and the subsequent lockdown period that followed

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