Please click on the link to watch an introduction to Theme 4 of the conference from Major Amy Brosnan
Watch Theme Introduction Video
Major Amy Brosnan
Dr Beth Greener
Dr Nina Harding
Major Amy Brosnan
DR Beth Greener
Associate Professor Beth Greener’s research interests lie in the field of international security. She has published books and articles on a range of issues such as international policing, peacebuilding in the Pacific, New Zealand foreign policy, police and military roles in peace and stability operations, human trafficking, and how liberal democracies seek to provide for security. Current research interests include the role of private security actors and the relationship between gender and security issues. Beth has delivered lectures on international relations topics to various courses at NZDF Command and Staff College since 2003, has been actively involved with international bodies such as the UN Police Division and the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, and regularly engages in Track II diplomacy around the region.
DR Nina Harding
Dr. Nina Harding is a lecturer in anthropology at Massey University. For her PhD research on the transition from civilian to soldier, she was embedded with a cohort of new infantry soldiers for the first year and a half of their careers in the New Zealand Army, from their first day of Basic Training to their first overseas deployment with the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands. She is also one of the team members on the new “Rebalancing the New Zealand Army” research project which will be exploring gender in the NZ Army.
“Rebalancing” the NZ Army
This presentation will introduce a new research project which has been designed to develop an understanding of how gender is understood and performed within the New Zealand Army.
MAJOR Kate Hockings–Mackie
The value of Inclusivity in a Military Culture of Uniformity.
Join into a conversation between CAPT Ruth Cornelius and Major Kate Hockings-Mackie which discusses a paper presented to Victoria University regarding the challenges of developing diversity within an organisation of uniformity.
Di Shirley
Di Shirley
Michelle Tribe
Education Opportunities in the NZDF
Di Shirley and Michelle Tribe will give an overview of the education support and opportunities available to all members of the NZDF, with a specific focus on opportunities available for NZ Army personnel.