Kua tawhiti kē tōu haerenga mai, kia kore e haere tonu. Nui rawa ōu mahi, kia kore e mahi tonu.
– Tā Heemi Hēnare
(You have come to far not to go further, you have done too much not to do more.)
A journey of learning through the realms of Mātauranga Māori, strengthening the foundation of our collective Ngāti Tūtanga for the NZ Army. Sharing, reflecting, and acknowledging our unity and bi-cultural direction.
Wānanga form a critical purpose within our learning journey where success, growth and the creation of a strong understanding can be achieved in a safe and supportive environment.
Our NZ Army will conduct two Wānanga at Rongomaraeroa o ngā hau e whā Marae (New Zealand Army National Marae) Waiouru. Both Wānanga are sponsored by our Deputy Chief of the NZ Army, Brigadier Rose King. Dates for our Wānanga are:
Wāhine Wānanga over the period 27 – 28 June 2023
Tāne Wānanga over the period 18 – 19 July 2023
Nāu te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
Wāhine/Tāne Wānanga Objectives:
- Objective 1: To bring together personnel from across Ngāti Tūmatauenga to help form a strong and culturally resilient organisation ready and able to represent Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Objective 2: To provide an opportunity for Wāhine and Tāne at the 2LT to CAPT, PTE to SSGT, and equivalent civilian grades to experience a respectful and culturally safe environment.
- Objective 3: To share perspectives and develop an understanding of cultural diversity across our NZ Army.