Presentation from Mr P. Galea, Australian Defence Force at the 10th International Lessons Learned Conference (10ILLC) dated Tue 16 May 17 (25min video)
ADF Recruit Training
“The Australian Army possesses all of the ingredients for a world class, education, training and doctrine system. It recruits some of the finest young men and women the nation has to offer. It is the beneficiary of very good training infrastructure and a well trained instructor workforce. The Army actively thinks about and seeks to shape its future as part of a joint and Defence approach. And as the Fundamentals of Land Power explains, the Army does possess a ‘training culture’. And yet, these assets separately do not guarantee a world class education, training and doctrine system now or into the future. The constituent elements are – to varying degrees – sound, but they are not knitted together in a cohesive, unified system within Army that is guided by a strategic view of Army’s future human capacity needs. And the current system is not fully exploiting ‘futures’ studies and forward planning to ensure the Army is able to generate individual and collective professional mastery over the next two decades.
The 2016 Ryan Review into Army’s Education, Training and Doctrine found the Army’s training system is not broken. However, the Army has not knitted together its education, training and
doctrine within a broader strategy for human capacity needs. It loosely connects the broad span of activities that Army conducts internally and with its joint and Defence partners. Consequently, it was not possible to conclude with certainty that the Army’s training, education and doctrine is appropriately oriented for the future. As the Director General Training and Doctrine, Brigadier Michael Ryan, AM has been appointed by the Chief of Army
to lead the necessary changes to deliver the 31 recommendations made in the Review.”