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KEA is open to all submissions and articles that enhance professional intellect, interpersonal adaptability, situational awareness, and organisational learning.

All submissions are rigorously reviewed. In most cases, authors will be notified of the Editorial Board’s initial decision within three to six weeks of submission.

  • Articles should be between 2,500 and 4,500 words, including references and endnotes. We also invite a limited number of longer articles (in excess of 4,500 words) in discussion with the Editor.
  • Articles submitted as part of the Chief of Army’s Writing Competition must adhere to the published guidelines for the respective iteration of the writing competition. This can be referenced in the KEA article announcing the start of the writing competition.
  • Simultaneous submission to other publications must be indicated.
  • Articles should be the author’s original work, and be concise, relevant, well-written and fully referenced.
  • Any graphics or figures should be attached separately and not embedded in the text.
  • Text should be double-spaced and set in 12pt Times New Roman. Authors are recommended to submit their work as a Microsoft Word file. The manuscript should be made anonymous (please do not include the names of the authors in the text).
  • Authors alone are responsible for the content of their respective papers.

Contributors are strongly encouraged to use the NZDF Essay Writing Guide or the KEA Style guide.  Please pay particular care to the preferred referencing style, the improper application will cause delay or rejection of the submission. Authors alone are responsible for the content of their respective papers.

The opinions and conclusions expressed in articles written by KEA staff do not necessarily represent the views of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF).


Letters to the editor are welcome and should be no longer than 700 words. Please submit the Letter to the Editor via the submissions page.


Any Book Reviews are requested to follow the following guidelines.

Reviews should primarily consider the value of the book to practitioners and academics in the particular subject area. Reviews should not merely summarise the contents of a book, but rather assess its contribution to the subject and literature as a whole. Criticism is welcome, but must be fair and supported in detail within the review.

Book reviews are generally 700–1,000 words.

Please submit book reviews via the submissions page.

View NZDF Essay Writing Guide
View KEA Style Guide