The Closing Address of the Gender Inclusive Army Conference is now LIVE!
The online Gender Inclusive Army conference was developed as an opportunity for the New Zealand Army’s leadership to communicate both the intent of the Gender Inclusive Army project, as well as to showcase some key pieces of research that will inform its ongoing progress and success. The conference presentations were designed to provoke conversation and reflection on personal experiences, with themes relating to identity, motivation, physicality , performance, and personal development. Topics covered include well-being and physical conditioning, experiences of soldiers and officers, the Female Engagement Team, and gender-related research projects currently being undertaken. While the conference is now complete, all presentations remain fully open for your engagement. Additionally, Major General Boswell (Chief of Army) has recently provided a closing address within which he provides a summary of why creating a gender inclusive environment is important to the New Zealand Army.
Follow the link below to the conference agenda, including the gateway to the Closing Address.