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17 Jun 22

I am pleased to announce the winners of the Chief of Army’s Writing Competition 22.1. This is the fifth competition run by the Knowledge Enabled Army (KEA) project, and we continue to receive well-written, thoughtful, and intelligent submissions from across all ranks and civilians from the NZ Army and the NZDF.

The essay submissions further explored a variety of contemporary and future issues facing the NZ Army. Some very thought-provoking arguments were made that will no doubt stimulate further debate. It is impressive to see the quality of thinking and writing that is occurring within the Army, and particularly from those at the tactical level.

This is an important part of the wider collective effort Army is making to listen to the opinions and ideas that our people have to shape the future Army. Such writing informs our learning culture and contributes to the betterment and professionalism of our Army.

Congratulations to everyone who took the time to produce great work and submit excellent thought pieces, the winners are:

Officers: Mr C. Wilkie: Conditions of Service That Attract, Sustain, and Retain Soldiers in the New Zealand Army

WO’s / SNCOs: Ms D. Kendon: Talent Not Tenure: The Case for Mid-Career Entry in the New Zealand Army

NCOs: Mr J. Graham: Retaining Skilled Personnel

Junior Soldiers: Mrs. T. Sanders: What the NZ Army Can Learn From the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

NZDF Civilians: Mr C. Stokes: A World Class Army With Mana


MAJGEN John Boswell

Chief of Army