Knowledge Enabled Army (K.E.A) is a professional development network that is hosted on a webpage via social media platforms and is designed to complement existing NZDF professional military education (PME) programs. This will be achieved by developing an online network of collaborators and contributors on a wide range of military topics. The primary purpose of K.E.A is to enhance professional intellect, interpersonal adaptability, and situational awareness. K.E.A will use the education theory of ‘connectivism’; connectivism considers how knowledge is acquired faster and in greater quantities than a generation ago, changing how we as a collective, process and conceptualise knowledge. Connectivism also works on the premise that individuals will actively search and explore knowledge on these systems.
K.E.A will not replace the current PME programs, but the K.E.A professional development network will be used as a means to enhance and promote current PME programs. It is imperative that K.E.A maintains a reputation of professionalism, quality writing and clarity of ideas, innovative approaches and above all relevance in achieving mastery of the profession of arms. The reputation of K.E.A is reflective of the NZ Army, the core values, and mana of our force.